Category: News

  • Breaking fences between access to justice and development

    Breaking fences between access to justice and development

    During an event on access to justice and international development on April 25, ASF highlighted the need to integrate impact indicators and empirical findings into access to justice programmes and go beyond the Sustainable Development Goals framework. This convening was organised jointly with the American University Washington College of Law Center for Human Rights &…

  • Voices from Kinshasa (3/3): “Freedom is under the hammer”

    Voices from Kinshasa (3/3): “Freedom is under the hammer”

    In DR Congo, defending the rights of victims of injustice and exercising fundamental rights remains a challenge. Faced with an often failing legal system and, at times, intimidation, men and women are pursuing an ideal: to live in a fairer world. Last of three encounters: lawyer Hervé Mafwila, on illegal detention.

  • Central African Republic: Make Justice a Priority

    Central African Republic: Make Justice a Priority

    New Government Should Quickly Establish Special Court – 21 Central African and international human rights organizations issued a statement today calling on the new president of the Central African Republic, Faustin-Archange Touadéra, to make justice for grave international crimes a top priority for his government. President Touadéra was sworn in on March 30, 2016, and…

  • Thomas Kwoyelo case: heeding victims’ voices

    Thomas Kwoyelo case: heeding victims’ voices

    Northern Uganda is currently the scene of two significant ongoing trials: Thomas Kwoyelo and Dominic Ongwen are both facing Justice for the international crimes they allegedly committed as ex-Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) commanders. In this context, Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF) and the Foundation for Justice and Development Initiatives (FJDI) are providing assistance to victims to…

  • No identity, no rights

    No identity, no rights

    Without a birth certificate, you can be deprived of a large number of rights. How can you access health care without an identity document? How can you go to school? How can you vote? Most Central Africans, particularly young people, do not exist in the eyes of the State. In response to this problem, Avocats…

  • A two-year struggle against the use of illegal detention in the DR Congo

    A two-year struggle against the use of illegal detention in the DR Congo

    For the last two years, ASF has been working actively with the Bar Associations of the west of the DR Congo in order to combat the abusive and sometimes even illegal use of preventive detention. In the coming weeks, ASF will come back to three key aspects of this project: the development of the capacity…

  • Zambia: Working to make women’s rights a reality

    Zambia: Working to make women’s rights a reality

    On International Women’s Day, ASF presents its new project for Zambia. In this country, like many others, women are particularly vulnerable. In partnership with the Zambian Young Women’s Christian Association, ASF aims to help women to claim and exercise their rights, and promote gender equality.

  • Voices from Kinshasa (2/3): “My goal: to live in a country without injustice”

    Voices from Kinshasa (2/3): “My goal: to live in a country without injustice”

    Defending the rights of victims of injustice and exercising one’s fundamental freedoms remains a challenge in DR Congo. Faced with an often failing legal system and, at times, intimidation, men and women still pursue an ideal: to live in a fairer world. Second of three interviews: journalist Nathalie Kapela, specialised in covering justice matters.

  • Katanga case in DRC: the ICC challenged again in Africa

    Katanga case in DRC: the ICC challenged again in Africa

    Kinshasa, RD Congo, 22 februari 2016 – Ondanks de aanvragen van het Internationaal Strafhof (ISH) heeft het openbaar ministerie van het Hoog Militair Gerechtshof van Kinshasa gepleit voor de onmiddellijke voortzetting van de rechtszaak tegen de voormalige krijgsheer, Germain Katanga. Advocaten Zonder Grenzen (ASF) betreurt dit negatief signaal ten opzichte van het ISH.

  • Get ASF involved in your happiest moments

    Get ASF involved in your happiest moments

    On Valentine’s Day, ASF will be toasting to a newlywed couple of lawyers in Belgium. On the occasion of their wedding, the couple requested that their guests make a donation to ASF. Weddings, births, birthdays or getting promoted: important milestones in one’s life that present an opportunity to support human rights issues.