Standing order: a perennial support for a lasting impact in favor of human rights
Bank order
You can make a donation by bank transfer or set up a standing order via your internet banking software on our account.
IBAN: BE89 6300 2274 9185
Online secured donation platform
You can also make a donation online via the secure Koalect platform.
ASF’s activities are mainly funded by institutional actors. This funding allows us to develop projects that are specific to certain countries or themes and limited in time, but does not allow for much flexibility or rapid reaction. Private donations are essential if ASF is to pursue its mandate. Your support enables us to :
- Rapidly develop new actions in changing contexts and finance innovative cross-functional projects or projects in new contexts of intervention;
- Ensure continuity of support when project funding comes to an end;
- Invest in research, analysis and advocacy for sustainable change.
The predictability of our funding is essential if we are to meet our commitments. That’s why we particularly encourage regular donations through standing orders. Every donation counts and is essential to achieving our mandate.
You can make a standing order to Avocats Sans Frontières by bank transfer or via the secure online donation platform Koalect.
Tax relief on donations
If the amount that you donate adds up to €40 in a financial year, you can offset up to half of your contribution against tax (Tax laws may vary from country to country. Donations are deductible in most countries of the European Union).
Tax certificates and national register number
New in 2024
Following a law passed on 28 December 2023, from tax year 2025 associations will have to mention the national register identification number of their donors‧rice‧s when filing their list of donors receiving a tax certificate with Belcotax.
This should enable donors to benefit automatically from the deductibility in their simplified declaration proposal in 2025.
For donors who have not provided their national register number to the associations they support, they will continue to be guaranteed the tax advantage provided they declare their donations on their own initiative on their tax return, attaching the tax certificates provided by the associations.
To make it easier, you can send us your national register identification number when you make your transfer, by email ([email protected]) or by filling in this online form in just a few clicks.
Avocats Sans Frontières is very attentive to the protection of privacy and will only use this information within the strict framework of sending tax certificates. This information will only be sent to the tax authorities.
To find out more, please consult our data management policy.
What do we do with your money?
Every year, our activities report and financial report explain how we allocate the money you donate. In particular, your donations enable us to finance activities that are not funded by our institutional donors: responding to urgent requests for support from lawyers in danger, launching innovative projects in new areas, research and transnational studies, capacity-building for our staff, etc. With your permission, we use your donations where they seem most needed, based on our assessment. Your confidence in us is greatly appreciated.
Protection of your personal data
By making a donation, you accept that the personal data mentioned above, which will be provided to ASF by you or your bank (which can include your first name, surname, postal address, and email address), will be used by ASF to send you a thank-you email and, during the month of February following your donation, a receipt for tax purposes if the amount you donated entitles you to one.
Avocats Sans Frontières complies with the AERF Code of Ethics. You have a right to information. This implies that members and donors are informed annually about the use of the funds collected.
Supported by Truth technologies

Association for Ethics in Fundraising (AERF)
ASF adheres to the Code of Ethics of the Association for Ethics in Fundraising (AERF). This means that donors, staff and employeesare informed at least annually about the use
of the funds raised.