Legal notices & privacy policy

Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF) is a non-governmental organisation created in 1992 in Brussels (Belgium) and registered under Belgian law.

Data collection and protection of privacy

In the course of performing its social role, ASF collects and stores some personal data on its supporters and donors.

ASF takes the protection of your personal data and privacy very seriously. Our organisation is committed to respecting the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other regulations relating to the protection of personal data.

What personal data do we collect? When and why do we collect data, and how do we handle it?

ASF only collects personal data that is necessary for the services it offers to its supporters and donors, and which they themselves have provided, for example:

  • To send our email newsletter: (title), first name, surname, email address, (institution), (country).
  • To thank our donors: title, first name, surname, postal address, (email address).
  • To provide receipts for tax purposes to our donors: the information listed above, as well as date of birth, company registration number, and first name and surname of spouse.
  • To deliver specific services that have been requested: data needed to carry out those services (for example, an email address to reply to a message, or a postal address to send a publication).
  • To obtain global web traffic statistics for our website and social media platforms: data on language, location, and online activity.

Once the GDPR comes into effect, on 25 May 2018, we will, as required, obtain explicit, clear, and formal consent (an opt-in) from our new supporters and donors for all collection and processing of their data, in conformance with the rules and aims of the GDPR, Article 4 §11.

Up until that date, we have considered it to be in the legitimate interest of both parties, our donors/supporters and ourselves, to remain in contact in order to keep donors and supporters informed about how their donations are used, news about our organisation, and our requirements.

How do we manage your personal data?

  • The data is only used in relation to the service that you have requested.
  • We never give your details to third parties for commercial purposes.
  • We occasionally make use of external intermediaries, such as MailChimp, to send our newsletters and pass on your data to them. When we do, we ensure systematically that your data is handled confidentially and used securely. This is stipulated in our contractual agreements with these intermediaries. They are required to delete the data as soon as they have fulfilled their mission. They cannot use it for commercial purposes.
  • Your data is handled securely. To ensure this, we use the appropriate technologies and security measures to correctly protect your data from any access, use, loss, or unauthorised disclosure. These technologies and measures are tested periodically and adapted when necessary. We ensure that a minimum number of people within our organisation have access to the data.
  • We are committed to making proper use of cookies and tracking on our websites and on social media.

How long do we store your personal data?

We store your data for as long as is needed to ensure that the requested service is properly provided, or for as long as is necessary to meet all legal obligations and tax requirements.

What action can you take in relation to your personal data?

To exercise your right to consult, correct, or receive a copy of your data, to have your data deleted, or to forbid certain uses of it, or if you have any other questions relating to the protection of personal data, please contact us:

Avocats Sans Frontières
Avenue de La Chasse 140
1040 Brussels
[email protected]
Tel.: + 32 (0)2 223 36 54

We will reply to you within a maximum of two weeks.

>> You can also download our Information notice about data protection (PDF).

Image rights

Our website and publications respect Belgian law relating to image reproduction rights.
Anyone can refuse permission to have their photograph taken, or for that photograph to be used for purposes of reproduction, publishing, release to the public, etc.
Image rights only apply to people who can be individually identified, for example, from a reproduction of their face, and who can be recognised by others.
In the case of public figures, image permission is assumed.

Content on the ASF website

ASF takes great care that the information published on its website is correct. If, however, you should discover that an error or incorrect information has been published on one of our pages, we would greatly appreciate it if you would inform us via the email address [email protected].

External links

The ASF website contains links to other external websites. ASF is, under no circumstances, responsible for the content of websites which are not part of the domain name ASF is, moreover, not responsible for any consequences resulting from the use of these other websites.


You can use the information published on the ASF website for free, on condition that you indicate its origin and the copyright reference ©
ASF strictly forbids the commercial use of any information taken from our website.
If you are not sure how to use the information published on our website, please send us your request via the email address [email protected].

Contact ASF

If you have any questions, contact us!
Avocats Sans Frontières
Avenue de La Chasse 140
1040 Brussels
[email protected]
Tel.: + 32 (0)2 223 36 54