Category: News

  • The many faces of international justice (1/4): DR Congo

    The many faces of international justice (1/4): DR Congo

    Over the summer, as part of the Crossroads project, ASF is bringing you the latest news about international justice. Our teams on the ground give you the lowdown. This week, Dominique Kamuandu, International Justice Programme Coordinator in DR Congo, gives us his impressions of the progress made and what is still to be accomplished.

  • International Justice Day: the future lies in the past

    International Justice Day: the future lies in the past

    Brussels – The Day of International Criminal Justice is known as the date of the establishment in 1998 of a permanent International Criminal Court to prosecute and try those responsible for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. But this day is first and foremost dedicated to those who chose not to ignore the past.…

  • Tunisia: Flaws in Revised Counterterrorism Bill

    Tunis – Tunisian legislators should drop problematic provisions from a new counterterrorism bill, nine nongovernmental organisations said in a joint letter to the parliament today. The draft would permit extended incommunicado detention, weaken due process guarantees for people charged with terrorism offenses, and allow the death penalty.

  • ASF partnerships: the cornerstone of sustainable change

    ASF partnerships: the cornerstone of sustainable change

    Brussels/Bujumbura – Against the backdrop of an extremely serious political crisis, ASF and its partners continue working to ensure access to justice for all in Burundi. ASF and the bar association at Bujumbura Court of Appeal have recently signed an agreement renewing and shaping their partnership up to 2021.

  • Degrading and inhuman treatment is not inevitable

    Degrading and inhuman treatment is not inevitable

    Brussels – On the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF) recalls that countless people are also victims of inhuman and degrading treatment. These practices often arise from appalling detention conditions in many countries in a post-conflict situation or in transition. ASF is calling for a reduction in the use…

  • The Kasserine “Region as a Victim” submission: A first in Tunisian transitional justice

    The Kasserine “Region as a Victim” submission: A first in Tunisian transitional justice

    Tunis – Today, with the support of ASF, the Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights is filing a “victim region” submission to the Truth and Dignity Commission. This file intends to establish “victim region” status for the Kasserine governorate.

  • ASF instrumental in launching a fund for the protection of Human Rights Defenders in East Africa

    ASF instrumental in launching a fund for the protection of Human Rights Defenders in East Africa

    The African Great Lakes Human Rights Defenders Protection Fund is finally official! This innovative financial mechanism, the first of its kind in the region, was championed by ASF, the East Africa Law Society and regional partners. It has been designed to protect the rights and freedoms of Human Rights Defenders in the Great Lakes region…

  • “Yalisika” trial: Logging and human right in DRC

    “Yalisika” trial: Logging and human right in DRC

    Kinshasa, DR Congo – ASF welcomes the start of the trial concerning the attack on the village of Yalisika carried out in 2011. However, ASF is concerned that the perpetrators identified during the investigations have not yet been brought to trial, and recalls the importance of establishing the responsibility of all those involved in committing…

  • Burundi: Lawyers mobilise to defend the rights of arrested persons

    Burundi: Lawyers mobilise to defend the rights of arrested persons

    While the situation remains tense in Burundi, Burundian lawyers are pressing ahead with an active campaign to provide legal assistance. Mr Salvator Kiyuku, president of the bar association at Bujumbura Court of Appeal, explains the background to this operation initiated by the bar association and supported by ASF.

  • No legal existence equals no rights for Congolese citizens

    No legal existence equals no rights for Congolese citizens

    Lubero, DR Congo – Registration of births – and marriages – is vital for the establishment of citizens’ rights. This is the message that was shared by ASF and its partners with more than 6,000 people living in Lubero, North Kivu.