Category: News

  • Tunisia: ASF calls upon the new political leaders to launch reforms of the justice system

    Tunisia: ASF calls upon the new political leaders to launch reforms of the justice system

    Following the legislative and presidential elections, ASF is calling upon the new Tunisian authorities to speed up the reforms of the justice sector. The NGO is urging them to attach the utmost importance to the defence and respect of human rights.

  • Transitional justice in Burundi: space for victims

    Transitional justice in Burundi: space for victims

    ASF welcomes the creation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission as an important step in the process of punishing international crimes committed in Burundi in the past. ASF nevertheless calls for certain conditions crucial to the proper functioning of the transitional justice process to be respected.

  • The conditions of detention in DR Congo violate prisoners’ rights

    The conditions of detention in DR Congo violate prisoners’ rights

    Overpopulation, poor hygiene, no healthcare, little food… the situation for detainees in DR Congo is very concerning. In order to combat the conditions of detention and their impact on prisoners’ human rights, ASF and RCN Justice & Démocratie jointly organised a round table on the “Right to justice: detention in DR Congo”.

  • Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression

    Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression

    “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

  • DR Congo: conviction of Colonel “106” and risk of reprisals

    DR Congo: conviction of Colonel “106” and risk of reprisals

    ASF welcomes the decision by the South Kivu Military Court to convict Bedi Mobuli Engangela, known as “Colonel 106”, to life in prison for crimes against humanity. The former warlord is one of those responsible for the violence committed in South Kivu between 2005-2007 which affected over 1,000 civilian victims. However, ASF remains worried about…

  • International justice is everybody’s business

    International justice is everybody’s business

    On Human Rights Day, ASF recalls that international criminal justice is a collective issue. International crimes affect firstly the victims of human rights violations, but also their community, lawyers, prosecutors, judges, perpetrators and society. Under the slogan “Together for international justice”, ASF’s Crossroads campaign highlights the fact that countries emerging from a crisis or conflict…

  • Emergency in DR Congo: protect human rights defenders

    Emergency in DR Congo: protect human rights defenders

    Kinshasa, DR Congo – Supported by ASF, the Congolese civil society is reiterating the urgent need to continue efforts, in collaboration with national authorities, to strengthen the legislative frameworks for the protection of human rights defenders (HRDs). Created one year ago, the follow-up Committee of national strategies for the protection of HRDs recently presented its…

  • Chad: civil society is rallying together for better access to justice

    Chad: civil society is rallying together for better access to justice

    The population of Chad still faces numerous obstacles when trying to obtain access to justice. Given this situation, organisations of civil society are taking action: they are making citizens more aware of their rights, offering them free legal advice, judicial assistance or mediation services. ASF is supporting three of these organisations in their efforts to…

  • Preventive detention in Burundi: ASF rallies actors in the penal chain

    Preventive detention in Burundi: ASF rallies actors in the penal chain

    Bujumbura – “Preventive detention must remain last resort”: this is the message of the broad campaign launched by ASF, together with the Ministry of Justice in Burundi. Citizens, lawyers, judges, prison staff…this action concerns everyone involved in the penal chain, in order to ensure that an infraction does not automatically mean that the individual concerned…

  • Tunisia: legislative elections should not slow down transitional justice

    Tunisia: legislative elections should not slow down transitional justice

    On the eve of legislative elections in Tunisia, ASF, the Association Nissaa Tounssyat, the Organisation against Torture in Tunisia and the Association of Tunisian Women for Research and Development are expressing concerns over how long it is taking to implement the law on transitional justice. The four organisations have called on the Tunisian authorities and…