Category: News

  • Rwanda : Opening of a New Legal Clinic

    Rwanda : Opening of a New Legal Clinic

    On the 2nd March 2011, the ASF team in Rwanda officially inaugurated the legal clinic in Muhanga (Southern Province). The clinic – the second, after that of Gisenyi, to have been established in the country – is located in the town centre. Two days a week, the population of Muhanga and of the surrounding area…

  • DRC: Focus on the trial of Kakado

    DRC: Focus on the trial of Kakado

    On the 9th August 2010, a remarkable judgment for the struggle against the most serious violations of human rights was handed down in Ituri by the military tribunal of Bunia, (East DRC). Bernard Yonga Tshopena Kakado, founder of the Ituri Patriotic Resistance Front (IPRF), was condemned to life imprisonment. From 2000 to 2007, when he…

  • Launch of ASF’s New Project about the ICC

    As part of its ongoing efforts to contribute towards greater accountability for gross human rights violations as well as redress for victims, ASF has launched a new multi-country project entitled Promoting the Rome Statute System and enhancing the effectiveness of the ICC, thanks to the financial support obtained from the European Commission. The Rome Statute…