Category: News

  • Human rights organisations have become indispensable actors in Chad

    Human rights organisations have become indispensable actors in Chad

    In Chad, ASF supports human rights organisations (HROs) with the aim of increasing the impact and scope of their activities. Last March, we went to meet individuals, local authorities, legal actors, and members of HROs, to get their opinions on the work that HROs do. In the interviews, which were carried out in Bongor, Moundou,…

  • In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the fight against impunity continues

    In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the fight against impunity continues

    Access to justice is more crucial than ever to ease the existing tensions in the North and South Kivu provinces of the DR Congo, which have been torn apart by violence for decades. On 21 and 23 May 2019, ASF, RCN Justice & Démocratie and TRIAL International launched a shared project to fight impunity in…

  • Fatigue among the victims Regarding the case of Thomas Kwoyelo

    Fatigue among the victims Regarding the case of Thomas Kwoyelo

    In Uganda, ASF has been providing continuous support to communities who have been victim of the crimes for which Kwoyelo is being tried under the International Crimes Division. Last April, ASF led joint efforts with the Victim’s Counsel, the ICD Registrar and the International Center for Transitional Justice to inform the victims’ communities of the…

  • Tunisia: a state of emergency to justify the restriction of rights and freedoms

    Tunisia: a state of emergency to justify the restriction of rights and freedoms

    ASF and eight of its partners formed the Alliance pour la Sécurité et les Libertés, calling on Tunisian deputies not to adopt the bill for the organisation of a state of emergency in its current form. Far from improving security in the country, it endangers people’s rights and freedoms and curtails constitutional protections.

  • Digging for power: Women empowerment and justice amidst extractive industry developments in Uganda

    Digging for power: Women empowerment and justice amidst extractive industry developments in Uganda

    Joining in the celebration of women across the world today, ASF releases its analysis of the progresses and shortcomings in achieving women’s rights in Uganda’s extractive industry context.

  • Combatting human trafficking: coordination is essential

    Combatting human trafficking: coordination is essential

    For the victims of human trafficking, Tunisia could be their country of origin or their destination country, or they could be in transit. Since 2016, Tunisia has had a strong legal framework for combatting the phenomenon, but how can effective collaboration between the actors involved be ensured? ASF and the national anti-trafficking body organised an…

  • Run the Brussels 20 km with ASF

    Run the Brussels 20 km with ASF

    On 19 May 2019, ASF will be on the starting line of the Brussels 20 km. Want to combine sporting achievement and solidarity with people seeking justice in Chad? Join our team! You commit yourself to raising a minimum of €100 from people you know. The donations raised will be used to support the work…

  • Support paralegals, essential justice actors in Chad

    Support paralegals, essential justice actors in Chad

    Chad has about 12 million inhabitants…and 135 practising lawyers, almost all based in the capital, N’Djamena. Fortunately, they are not the only ones defending people’s rights: supervised and trained by national organisations and by ASF, paralegals provide legal aid services to the most destitute. Make a donation: help us to improve the working conditions of…

  • Closure of our offices in Burundi

    Closure of our offices in Burundi

    With the deepest regret, after twenty uninterrupted years in Burundi, we must close our offices in Bujumbura and leave the country on 31 December 2018.

  • Chad: the many faces of justice (4/4)

    Chad: the many faces of justice (4/4)

    This autumn, ASF presents a portrait of justice in Chad, through interviews with four people who are active in defending human rights in the country. Guerimbaye Midaye is a lawyer in the bar association of Chad. He has been active for almost 30 years within the Ligue Tchadienne des Droits de l’Homme, of which he…