Category: News

  • ASF in DR Congo: 15 years of commitment

    ASF in DR Congo: 15 years of commitment

    ASF has come a long way since it started up its activities in Congo 15 years ago. Its aim, from the very beginning, has been to ensure that people become more aware of their rights and can enforce them. We opened our first office in Kinshasa on 12 March 2002. Since then, we’ve developed a…

  • Women’s rights in Zambia: involving all levels of society

    Women’s rights in Zambia: involving all levels of society

    On this 8 March, International Women’s Day, ASF is focusing on the project it has been running in Zambia for the past year in partnership with the organisation Young Women’s Christian Association. The aim of making women the authors of their own emancipation is central to the activities of both organisations. The first results are…

  • ASF opens new headquarters in Brussels

    ASF opens new headquarters in Brussels

    The start of 2017 has been marked by a sense of renewal for ASF. For the past eight years, our premises on the rue de Namur have served as the base for the work of our dedicated team, but this Monday our Brussels headquarters relocated to a different quarter of the city: avenue de la…

  • Tunisia: fighting against terrorism, but at what cost?

    Tunisia: fighting against terrorism, but at what cost?

    ASF, the Tunisian National Bar Association and the Tunisian League for Human Rights are calling on the Tunisian authorities to review the 2015 counter-terrorism act. Enforcement of this act raises issues regarding the right to a fair trial. The three partner organisations say that respecting human rights is a democratic state’s main weapon for fighting…

  • Appointment of members to the Truth and Dignity Commission in Tunisia: a call for transparency

    Appointment of members to the Truth and Dignity Commission in Tunisia: a call for transparency

    Nine civil society organisations in Tunisia, including ASF, are calling on the temporary Special Committee tasked with examining and sorting applications to the Truth and Dignity Commission (IVD) to respect the provisions of the transitional justice law with regard to the procedure for appointing IVD members.

  • Fostering respect at ASF events

    Fostering respect at ASF events

    The events and conferences run by Avocats Sans Frontières are notable for their warm and friendly atmosphere, based around the enthusiastic manner in which knowledge and experiences are shared. Wishing to make our guests feel as safe and relaxed as possible, and in line with the organisation’s values, we have recently adopted an anti-harassment and…

  • Reparations at the core of transitional justice in Uganda

    Reparations at the core of transitional justice in Uganda

    ASF releases two publications on reparations for victims of mass crimes in Uganda. They aim at assisting all stakeholders dealing with reparations in the country and, particularly, victims, their counsels and the judges of the International Crimes Division. They will also give a new kick-start to the transitional justice process. While reparations are only one…

  • Thank you for your encouragement!

    Thank you for your encouragement!

    At the end of December 2016, we challenged you with this question: “What about you? What will you do to promote human rights in 2017?” Many of you responded, for example by making a donation to Avocats Sans Frontières. But also by sending us your encouragement and your messages. We would like to share some…

  • ASF receives the International Henri La Fontaine Prize

    ASF receives the International Henri La Fontaine Prize

    At an official ceremony at the Parliament of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels on 9 December, ASF received the International Henri La Fontaine Prize 2016 for its work in defending values such as humanism and social justice.

  • Lawyering for Change: implementing change through law: an international challenge

    Lawyering for Change: implementing change through law: an international challenge

    Over 250 participants, including fifty speakers from fifteen different countries around the world, met in Brussels for ASF’s Lawyering for Change conference. The aim: to develop the idea of change through lawyering together. The event highlighted the need to widen the role of lawyers and to enable those seeking justice to take greater action in…