Avenue de la Chasse 140
1040 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 223 36 54
Train: Etterbeek station
Metro : Mérode (1 and 5)
Bus: 34 (La Chasse) et 36 (Onze Novembre)
Tram: 81 (Acacias)
Villo: 181 (Louis Titze), avenue de la Chasse 182

Legal aid
ASF is not in a position to offer individual legal aid outside of its projects in the field. ASF can not take on individual files in areas such as immigration, visa applications, family law, tax law, succession or in civil and commercial litigation. Similarly, ASF does not intervene in judicial or administrative cases in Belgium, including criminal matters.
It is for this reason that we advise you to contact the following organisations:
- Legal aid offices in French speaking Belgium
- Ordre des barreaux francophones & germanophone de Belgique (contact details for all lawyers in French speaking Belgium, search by specialisation)
- Ordre des barreaux néerlandophones (contact details for all lawyers in Flemish speaking Belgium, search by specialisation)