Country: Euro-Mediterranean region

  • The campaign to decriminalise poverty, activism and status

    The campaign to decriminalise poverty, activism and status

    The Campaign for the Decriminalisation of Poverty, Status and Activism, launched in Africa, South Asia, North America and the Caribbean, is led by a coalition of civil society organisations calling for the revision and repeal of laws that target people because of their status (social, political or economic) or their activism. In many countries, criminal…

  • ASF’s Euro-mediterranean regional hub

    ASF’s Euro-mediterranean regional hub

    In 2018, ASF launched a regional hub in the Euro-Mediterranean region, based in Tunis, with the aim of pooling resources and strengthening and harmonising its action in the region. The innovative aspect of the regional office is to fully assume the historical, economic, political and cultural links that exist between the two shores of the…