What are the procedural safeguards for pre-trial detention?


Since a pre-trial detention follows the arrest unless a release on bail, the procedural safeguards for pre-trial detention refer to the procedural safeguards for a warrant of arrest.

A warrant of arrest shall:

Any irregularity in the substance or form of a warrant shall not affect the validity of any proceedings of the case; unless the irregularity appears to deceive or misled the accused the court may – at the request of the accused – adjourn the hearing of the case and remand or admit the accused to bail.

The statement of the offence shall respect the rules for framing of charges. A charge may be open – to objection in respect of its form or content – if it is not framed in accordance with the specific provisions stated by law.

The person executing a warrant of arrest shall notify the substance of the warrant to the person suspected (and show the warrant if requested); and then shall bring that person before the court required without unnecessary delay.
