A magistrate’s court – before which a person arrested appears or is brought – is competent to release on bail that person.
A chief magistrate – within the area of jurisdiction – is competent to release on bail a person to whom bail has been refused by a lower court.
The High Court is competent to release on bail a person to whom bail has been refused by the magistrate’s court.
The prosecutor is competent to release a person – with the consent of the court or on the instructions of the Director of Public Prosecutions – as a result to withdraw from the prosecution of that person.
The Uganda Human Rights Commission is competent to release a person when it concludes there has been an infringement of a human right of that person.
- Section 53 of the Constitution
- Section 75 sub.1 of the Magistrates court act
- Section 75 sub.3 of the Magistrates court act
- Section 75 sub.4 of the Magistrates court act
- Section 121 of the Magistrates court act