- When? 19 January 2023
- Where? Sheraton Hotel, Kampala
- In partnership with: Legal Aid Service Providers Netwotk (LASPNET)
- With financial support from: Austrian Development Agency
ASF is launching its baseline report Protecting constitutional and procedural rights of pre-trial detainees through access to justice in Uganda on Thursday 19 January 2023 during a local advocacy forum organised in the Sheraton Hotel in Kampala.
This local advocacy forum will provide a platform for criminal justice actors to deliberate on emerging issues as identified in the baseline report and the monitoring reports by lawyers and paralegals.
The consultant will present the report and its findings. This will be followed by a panel discussion and a a question and answer session.
The event will gather stakeholders such as members of the judiciary, the police, prisons services and other criminal justice actors.
You can follow the event online by using this link.