Removing legal barriers to accessing prevention, care and treatment services and protecting HIV-related human rights


  • Objective: To encourage access to quality health and justice services and promote human rights and gender equality for key populations in Tunisia.
  • Specific objectives:
    • Improve the referral and care system for CPs in the project’s areas of intervention;
    • Strengthen the capacity for action of key populations in the target geographical areas, by supporting them in claiming and fully enjoying their rights;
    • Promoting a social and institutional environment that is free from stigmatisation and discrimination, and conducive to the adoption of reforms that respect human rights and gender equality.
  • Expected results:
    • Stakeholders’ skills and knowledge are strengthened in terms of referral and inclusive care for key populations;
    • Raising awareness among key populations, focusing on access to health and justice services, taking account of specific gender issues;
    • Key populations have improved access to information, legal aid services and community mobilisation mechanisms;
    • Host populations have adequate spaces for dialogue and exchange on migration issues;
    • Actors of change and influence have access to evidence and opportunities to reflect on the recommendations and reforms proposed as part of the project.
  • Partners:
    • Forum Tunisien pour les droits économiques et sociaux (FTDES) – lead organisation
    • Association Tunisienne de Lutte contre les MST et le Sida – Bureau National (ATL MST SIDA BN)
    • DAMJ – Association Tunisienne pour la Justice et l’Egalité (DAMJ)
  • Duration: 3 years (October 2023 > March 2026)