Question-Subject: On what grounds and when can someone be arrested (judicial arrest)?
On what grounds and when can someone be arrested (judicial arrest)?
– In case of flagrance offences – In case of offences which deem flagrant – In case of offences which are assimilated to flagrance – In case of serious evidences of guilt.
On what grounds and when can someone be arrested (judicial arrest)?
After the commission of a flagrance offence or during a preliminary investigation
On what grounds and when can someone be arrested (judicial arrest)?
Une mesure d’arrestation ne peut être autorisée que si elle respecte les conditions établies par la loi, laquelle détermine les motifs d’arrestations et les personnes habilitées à procéder à l’arrestation. Un individu ne peut être arrêté de façon arbitraire et qu’en vertu d’une loi en vigueur au moment des faits. La personne arrêtée devient un…
On what grounds and when can someone be arrested (judicial arrest)?
In execution of an order of a court or upon reasonable suspicion to have committed an offence
On what ground and when can someone be arrested (judicial arrest)?
After the commission of an offence and in the presence of strong evidence of guilt
On what grounds and when can someone be arrested (judicial arrest)?
After a judicial decision or in the case of a flagrant offence
On what grounds and when can someone be arrested (judicial arrest)?
After a judicial decision or in the case of a flagrant offence