Search results for: “uganda”
ICC: Victims’ choice vs. legal aid?
Since 2010, ASF has been implementing a project on international criminal justice and transitional justice in Uganda. In this context, ASF has conducted close consultations with victims and affected communities about prosecution of alleged perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Victims have shown a strong interest and willingness to be involved in criminal…
Thomas Kwoyelo case: heeding victims’ voices
Northern Uganda is currently the scene of two significant ongoing trials: Thomas Kwoyelo and Dominic Ongwen are both facing Justice for the international crimes they allegedly committed as ex-Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) commanders. In this context, Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF) and the Foundation for Justice and Development Initiatives (FJDI) are providing assistance to victims to…
ASF receives an exceptional donation from the Belgian Development Cooperation
On 24 December, ASF received a donation of €50,000 from the Belgian Development Cooperation. The Deputy Prime Minister and Belgian Minister for Development Aid, Alexander De Croo, personally presented a cheque to ASF as part of the solidarity event “Music for Life”. This donation provides valuable aid at a time when NGOs are finding it…
The many faces of international justice (3/4): Burundi
Over the summer, as part of the Crossroads project, ASF is bringing you the latest news about international justice. This week, Adrien Nifasha talks to us about advances in international justice in Burundi. The country is undergoing a political crisis for the past months. This exceptional situation obviously does not mean the end of victims…
The Many Faces of International Justice (2/4): Nepal
Over the summer, as part of the Crossroads project, ASF is bringing you the latest news about international justice. This week, Prashannata Wasti, who works for our partner INSEC, shares the latest news from Nepal. Find out how last April’s terrible earthquake is interfering with access to justice.
The many faces of international justice (1/4): DR Congo
Over the summer, as part of the Crossroads project, ASF is bringing you the latest news about international justice. Our teams on the ground give you the lowdown. This week, Dominique Kamuandu, International Justice Programme Coordinator in DR Congo, gives us his impressions of the progress made and what is still to be accomplished.
International Justice Day: the future lies in the past
Brussels – The Day of International Criminal Justice is known as the date of the establishment in 1998 of a permanent International Criminal Court to prosecute and try those responsible for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. But this day is first and foremost dedicated to those who chose not to ignore the past.…
Degrading and inhuman treatment is not inevitable
Brussels – On the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF) recalls that countless people are also victims of inhuman and degrading treatment. These practices often arise from appalling detention conditions in many countries in a post-conflict situation or in transition. ASF is calling for a reduction in the use…
ASF instrumental in launching a fund for the protection of Human Rights Defenders in East Africa
The African Great Lakes Human Rights Defenders Protection Fund is finally official! This innovative financial mechanism, the first of its kind in the region, was championed by ASF, the East Africa Law Society and regional partners. It has been designed to protect the rights and freedoms of Human Rights Defenders in the Great Lakes region…