Search results for: “uganda”
Pre-trial detention in Uganda: «Will I die here?»
According to a research conducted by ASF and the University of Toronto, one person in three in Uganda is detained well beyond the periods pre- scribed by law. To adress this, ASF is promoting access of detainees to a fair trial. 48 years old Mariam is one of the detainees released from the Women prison…
Uganda lawyers tackle lengthy pre-trial detention
Prisoners in Uganda are being kept too long in pre-trial detention. This violates their right to a fair and speedy trial as well as the presumption of innocence. It also deprives them and their families of their right to work. With the support of the Uganda Law Society, Avocats Sans Frontières has therefore launched a…
Ugandan war victims speak out on transitional justice
With the support of Avocats Sans Frontières and local partners, victims of the conflict in Northern Uganda have made recommendations on the national transitional justice policy. This input is critical for handling gross human rights violations and war crimes, achieving national reconciliation and long-lasting peace in the country.