Empowering Civil Society for Inclusive Development


  • Objective: To strengthen civil society’s engagement of decision makers on human rights and Rule of Law issues
  • Main activities:
    • Capacity-enhancement: on among others; evidence gathering, reporting, advocacy 
    • Public Legal Education and Sensitization among communities as well as local and national civil society
    • Evidence gathering/data collection: Monitoring of Human rights violations by civil society
    • Data dissemination and communication adapted to the needs of different target groups; webinars, leaflets, social media and group chats.
    • Multi-stakeholder dialogues: enhancing participation of different stakeholder groups linkages at different levels
    • Advocacy: identifying pathways of change and developing and pursuing policy recommendations
    • Legal aid: Legal advice and representation
    • Strategic litigation: use of legal action in view of broad social or policy objectives.
  • Expected results:
    • Grass root organizations and CSOs improve their methods of engagement with duty-bearers
    • CSOs and LASPs are able to accompany local populations in seeking remedy
    • CSOs influence national and regional decision-makers to adopt positive reforms
  • Project partners: Civic Response on Environment and Development (CRED), The Africa Centre for Energy and Mineral Policy (ACEMP)
  • Geographical areas of implementation: 
    • Eastern Uganda, with a primary focus on Karamoja in the districts of Moroto, Amudat and Nakapiripirit.
    • Western Uganda, with a primary focus on the Albertine and Rwenzori sub-region.
  • Funding: Belgium Development Cooperation (DGD)
  • Budget: 1,607,474.54 EUR
  • Duration: 5 years (January 2022 – December 2026)