Promoting procedural guarantees and access to justice for Central African women by eliminating gender inequalities

Central African Republic (the)

  • Objective: Promote respect for procedural guarantees and access to justice for women and minors (particularly those accused of practicing charlatanism and witchcraft), by taking sustainable action to reduce gender inequalities.
  • Intervention logic: The project intends to act at the heart of formal and community justice systems by promoting access to justice and the defense of women accused of witchcraft with :
    • 1. community mobilization of dialogue and awareness-raising frameworks set up in other projects by ASF and its partners;
    • 2. a focus on engaging institutional players to reinforce respect for human rights in this area.
  • Expected results:
    • Communities are sensitized to respect for women’s human rights and procedural guarantees, particularly for women and children accused of charlatanism/sorcery.
    • Women and children accused of charlatanism and witchcraft (PCS) receive holistic assistance.
    • Respect for human rights and the protection of women victims of gender-based violence are strengthened by the adoption of reforms within the sectoral policy of the Ministry of Justice.
  • Project partners:
    • Organization of Young Leaders for Development (OJLD) in Bouar
    • Défis & Objectif (DO) Bangui
    • Center for the Promotion and Defense of Children’s Rights (CPDE), Berberati
    • Maison de l’Enfant et de la Femme Pygmée (MEFP), Nola
    • Lawyers from the Central African Bar Association
    • Ministry of Justice, notably Groupe Thématique 3 of the Justice sector policy implementation unit
    • The Ministry for the Promotion of Women, the Family and Child Protection
  • Geographical areas of implementation: Bangui, Bimbo, Bouar, Berberati and Nola
  • Funding: European Union
  • Budget: €60,548
  • Duration: 24 months (August 15, 2022 > August 14, 2024)
