Category: News

  • Access to justice: a good lawyer is not enough

    Access to justice: a good lawyer is not enough

    On World Human Rights Day, ASF is calling for access to justice to also be a reality outside courts and tribunals. Lawyers must work more with other stakeholders, such as para legals and medical and social support services. Additionally, people seeking justice actively play a fundamental role in claiming and achieving their rights; they themselves…

  • Tunisia: new Commissioners must urgently be elected to the Truth and Dignity Commission

    Tunisia: new Commissioners must urgently be elected to the Truth and Dignity Commission

    Civil-society organisations in Tunisia, including ASF, are calling on members of parliament to elect new commissioners to the Truth and Dignity Commission (Instance Vérité et Dignité, IVD) without delay. The resignation of many members of the IVD is threatening to incapacitate it.

  • Central African Republic: Support the Special Criminal Court

    Central African Republic: Support the Special Criminal Court

    Donor countries should support the Central African Republic’s Special Criminal Court, 17 Central African and international human rights non-governmental organizations say in a declaration. The donors should provide technical, financial, and political support for the court and its mandate to end impunity for crimes under international law, the groups said. On 17 November, the European…

  • National congress on transitional justice opens in Tunisia

    National congress on transitional justice opens in Tunisia

    ASF, the Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights and the Independent National Coordination on Transitional Justice will host a national congress to relaunch the transitional justice process in Tunisia, on 2 and 3 November in Tunis, with the participation of the Truth and Dignity Commission (IVD). The congress will bring together the IVD, civil…

  • A first in Uganda:  Victims participate in criminal proceedings against a LRA warlord

    A first in Uganda: Victims participate in criminal proceedings against a LRA warlord

    On 21st September 2016 former LRA warlord T. Kwoyelo attended his second pre-trial hearing. After several procedural curbs, the trial might be on track. Most important, for the first time in Uganda, victims right to participate in a trial proceedings was recognized. This could be a very first step towards reparation for victims in Uganda.

  • Reparations in Uganda: recommendations

    Reparations in Uganda: recommendations

    Last week, Ugandan and international stakeholders and experts gathered in Entebbe (Uganda) to discuss reparations for victims of mass atrocities in Uganda, during an international conference organized by ASF and REDRESS. The participants shared their experience in the area of transitional justice. The panellists offered recommendations on the framework and implementation of reparation for mass…

  • “If you are convinced about ASF, then yes, make a donation”

    “If you are convinced about ASF, then yes, make a donation”

    If access to justice is to be sustainable, the capacity of international actors such as ASF should also be sustainable. In essence that is the message from ASF Executive Director, Francesca Boniotti, on the occasion of the publication of the NGO’s 2015 Annual Report.

  • Pro bono lawyers contribute to sustainable development

    Pro bono lawyers contribute to sustainable development

    ASF calls for the strengthening of pro bono practices, which can bring about positive and sustainable change among societies and justice systems. This message has been shared at the 5th Pro Bono Conference held in Bali last week, and will be further disseminated in other international events.

  • Uganda: time to talk about reparations

    Uganda: time to talk about reparations

    On 26 and 27 September, ASF and REDRESS will organize an International Conference on Reparations in Uganda. The event marks a first step in discussing reparations for mass atrocities committed against the civilians in Uganda over the last 50 years. It will be an opportunity to exchange best practices from other contexts and draw recommendations…

  • Désiré, free at last after “9 years of death”

    Désiré, free at last after “9 years of death”

    With the help of ASF, Désiré Loko has been released after spending exactly 8 years, 5 months and 21 days in preventive detention at Kinshasa’s central prison, even though he was innocent. His case illustrates the problem of preventive detention in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Prisoners sometimes spend years in detention without having a…