Country: Tanzania
Policy Brief – Analysing Civic Space in East Africa through a judicial lens
For the past years, civic space has been described as “shrinking” in many countries around the world. The adoption of restrictive laws, the harassment of journalists, the arrest and detention of human rights defenders, the suspension of activities or freezing of accounts of civil society organisations, are common tactics used by states to restrict civic…
The Attorney General of the United Republic of Tanzania v. Freeman A. Mbowe and Others
Decisions The Attorney General of the United Republic of Tanzania v. Freeman A. Mbowe and Others (Appeal Division) Mbowe and Others v. Attorney General of the United Republic of Tanzania (First Instance Division)
Managing Editor, Mseto and Another v. Attorney General of the United Republic of Tanzania
Decision Managing Editor, Mseto and Another v. Attorney General of the United Republic of Tanzania
The Media Council of Tanzania and Two Others v. The Attorney General of United Republic of Tanzania
Decision The Media Council of Tanzania and Two Others v. The Attorney General of United Republic of Tanzania
Jebra Kambole v. United Republic of Tanzania
Decision Jebra Kambole v. United Republic of Tanzania
Improving Access to Remedy for Tanzania’s Extractives Sector
Where do victims or communities seek redress for harms caused by extractive companies in Tanzania? What is their experience, and that of legal aid providers, in engaging with courts, state-based remedy mechanisms or company grievance mechanisms? These are the critical questions that ASF tries to shed light on in a new report, entitled “Improving access…
ASF in Tanzania
General context Tanzania, the largest country in East Africa, is a union of the separate states of Tanganyika and Zanzibar. In contrast to some of the neighbours, it has never experienced sustained violent conflict, at least on the mainland. While it has, ever since independence, been dominated by the single ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM)…