Ensuring effective access to law and justice

Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek (de)

  • General objective: Strengthen prisoners’ rights through access to justice and the mobilization of civil society and the penal system. Pilot intervention in Bimbo women’s prison and Ngaragba detention center
  • Areas of intervention: Central African Republic – Bangui and Bimbo
  • Project duration: 11 months, from June 6, 2024 to April 30, 2025
  • Budget: 103,305 euros
  • Funding: French Embassy in CAR
  • Beneficiaries :
    • Final beneficiaries: People in detention, particularly women and people in vulnerable situations.
  • Direct beneficiaries :
    • People in detention, particularly women and people in vulnerable situations;
    • Civil society organizations (CPDE);
    • Lawyers belonging to the Central African Bar Association;
    • The National Commission for Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (CNDHLF);
    • Central African press organizations.
  • Main activities :
    • Activity 1: Opening and presentation of project objectives
    • Activity 2: Support for CNDHLF intervention in Bimbo and Ngaragba prisons
    • Activity 3: Monitoring human rights and procedural guarantees in Bimbo and Ngaragba prisons
    • Activity 4: Redeployment of a legal aid system
    • Activity 5: Technical roundtables on preventive detention
    • Activity 6: Celebration of Nelson Mandela Day (July 18)
  • ASF implementing partners :
    • Center for the Promotion and Defense of Children’s Rights
    • National Commission for Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (CNDHFL)

