Reducing domestic servitude through capacity building


  • Objective : To contribute to the protection of the rights of domestic workers and the creation of dignified working conditions in Tunisia.
  • Activities :
    • To establish an integrated mechanism to promote and protect the rights of domestic workers against violations by their employers
    • To conduct a gap analysis through in-depth interviews and/or focus groups with stakeholders and victims to understand current needs and challenges in combating exploitation of domestic workers in Tunis
    • To develop awareness and education tools for domestic workers in vulnerable and excluded situations
    • Training and coachng of a pool of 8 lawyers to assist exploited domestic workers and ensure strategic litigation in civil cases
    • Organising on-site technical training for government institutions and CSOs working on human rights and involved in the action.
    • To engage criminal justice actors (judges and prosecutors) to change behaviour and encourage the prosecution of cases of exploitation of domestic workers
  • Partners :
    • Instance nationale de lutte contre la traite des personnes (INLTP)
    • Association francophone du trauma et de la dissociation (AFTD)
    • Beity
    • Amal
    • Nebras
    • CDI
    • DPS
  • Duration : 5 years (November 2021 > September 2026)