Question-Subject: Which authority is competent to make a judicial arrest?
Which authority is competent to make a judicial arrest?
– In case of flagrance: any agent of public force or any individual. – In any other case : Royal Prosecutor or Investigating Judge.
Which authority is competent to make a judicial arrest?
– Judicial police officer – Public prosecutor – Private person
Which authority is competent to make a judicial arrest?
Le droit tchadien distingue deux types d’enquêtes: L’enquête ordinaire L’enquête en cas de crimes ou de délits flagrants Concernant l’enquête ordinaire: C’est à la police judiciaire de rechercher les auteurs d’un délit ou d’un crime. Elle exécute aussi les ordres reçus par les juridictions d’instruction. La police judiciaire comprend aussi bien les officiers de police…
Which authority is competent to make a judicial arrest?
– Magistrate – Police officer – Officer in charge of a police station – Private person
Which authority is competent to make a judicial arrest?
– “Judicial police officer” – “Judicial police agent” – Any individual
Which authority is competent to make a judicial arrest?
– “Judicial police officer” – Any individual