Category: Economic, social and cultural rights
Working in Niger after the coup d’état
Since the opening of te ASF office in Niger in 2023, the country has experienced major political upheaval, including the coup d’état in July 2023.
Civic Space in Tanzania and Uganda: A public interest litigation approach
Since 2022, ASF has been implementing a regional project promoting the use of public interest litigation as a tool to bring about positive reforms in the areas of civic space and civil liberties in Uganda and Tanzania. Legislative texts hindering freedom of expression have been identified and challenged, thanks to the actions carried out by…
Uganda: Unlocking legal empowerment through economic support to women
Under the FATE project, mini-grants are awarded to women victims of gender-based violence or released from prison, to enable them to develop their economic activity. The aim is to enable these women to reintegrate socially and make her community benefit from her business activity. The individuals and groups supported have a responsibility to further conduct…
The pact for equality: Engaging members of the European Parliament on anti-racism and anti-discrimination
Avocats Sans Frontières, European Alternatives and a consortium of civil society and university partners are coming together to promote equality and to fight discrimination affecting specifically migrant communities in Europe. The consortium aims to give a platform to racialized individuals and groups as well as people with a migrant background during this crucial election year…
No to the introduction of “malicious undermining of State authority” in the Belgian Penal Code
ASF joins more than 500 signatories from associations, universities, the judiciary and civil society in warning of the danger of the introduction in the new Belgian criminal code of the offence of malicious attack on the authority of the State.
ExPEERience Talk #11 – Decriminalising poverty, status and activism: a global emergency, an international campaign
This 11th ExPEERience Talk will be devoted to the Campaign for the Decriminalisation of Poverty, Status and Activism. Several of its members will present its history and how it operates. They will discuss the challenges encountered and the opportunities presented by the networking of a multiplicity of actors to tackle a global and systemic issue…
The campaign to decriminalise poverty, activism and status
The Campaign for the Decriminalisation of Poverty, Status and Activism, launched in Africa, South Asia, North America and the Caribbean, is led by a coalition of civil society organisations calling for the revision and repeal of laws that target people because of their status (social, political or economic) or their activism. In many countries, criminal…
ASF’s annual report is available!
Avocats Sans Frontières is delighted to present its latest annual report. Our teams offer a seriers of articles about our field work on detention, transistional justice, business & human rights, communities of practice, our advocacy work, etc.
ExPEERience Talk #10 – Corporate accountability and human rights: the case of the textile industry in Tunisia
At the 10th ExPEERience Talk, Nadia Ben Halim (consultant) and Zeineb Mrouki (Programme coordinator at ASF Tunisie) will present a study on corporate responsibility with regard to human rights in the textile sector in the governorate of Monastir in Tunisia.
600 days after Article 80 : From the state of exception to the establishment of autocracy
The Alliance for Security and Liberties (ASL), of which ASF is a member, has published its fifth report on the rule of law and the state of freedoms in Tunisia. Begun in the aftermath of President Saïed’s coup de force on 25 July 2021, ASL’s quantitative and qualitative monitoring and analysis of the events, decisions…