Category: International justice

  • Katanga case in DRC: the ICC challenged again in Africa

    Katanga case in DRC: the ICC challenged again in Africa

    Kinshasa, RD Congo, 22 februari 2016 – Ondanks de aanvragen van het Internationaal Strafhof (ISH) heeft het openbaar ministerie van het Hoog Militair Gerechtshof van Kinshasa gepleit voor de onmiddellijke voortzetting van de rechtszaak tegen de voormalige krijgsheer, Germain Katanga. Advocaten Zonder Grenzen (ASF) betreurt dit negatief signaal ten opzichte van het ISH.

  • Uganda: the first LRA rebel to appear before the ICC

    Uganda: the first LRA rebel to appear before the ICC

    Kampala, Uganda – ASF welcomes the confirmation of charges concerning Dominic Ongwen, a commander of the Lord’s Resistance Army rebel group, being held before the International Criminal Court today. As a victim-centered organization, ASF believes that this is the first step towards justice for the many victims of one of the longest conflicts in Uganda.…

  • International crimes: reduced sentence for the warlord Katanga

    International crimes: reduced sentence for the warlord Katanga

    The sentence of the Congolese warlord Germain Katanga has been reduced and will end in January 2016. Such is the decision taken on 13 November by the judges of the International Criminal Court. ASF is considering the consequences of this decision for the future of cases before the Court and especially for the participation of…

  • Crimes against humanity in DR Congo: First conviction in the province of Maniema

    Crimes against humanity in DR Congo: First conviction in the province of Maniema

    ASF welcomes the conviction of a senior commissioner of the Congolese National Police for crimes against humanity. In its ruling on 31 October 2015, the Military Court of Kindu sentenced Colonel Amuri Pia Abraham to 15 years in prison for the rapes, torture and imprisonments carried out by his men in several villages in May…

  • The many faces of international justice (4/4): Uganda

    The many faces of international justice (4/4): Uganda

    Over the summer, ASF is bringing you the latest news about international justice. This week, Jane Anywar Adong, Project Officer in Uganda, tells us about some recent breakthroughs in the field of international justice. The Ugandan Supreme Court’s refusal to grant amnesty to Thomas Kowoyelo, Dominic Ongwen’s transfer to the ICC… discover how these events…

  • The many faces of international justice (3/4): Burundi

    The many faces of international justice (3/4): Burundi

    Over the summer, as part of the Crossroads project, ASF is bringing you the latest news about international justice. This week, Adrien Nifasha talks to us about advances in international justice in Burundi. The country is undergoing a political crisis for the past months. This exceptional situation obviously does not mean the end of victims…

  • The Many Faces of International Justice (2/4): Nepal

    The Many Faces of International Justice (2/4): Nepal

    Over the summer, as part of the Crossroads project, ASF is bringing you the latest news about international justice. This week, Prashannata Wasti, who works for our partner INSEC, shares the latest news from Nepal. Find out how last April’s terrible earthquake is interfering with access to justice.

  • The many faces of international justice (1/4): DR Congo

    The many faces of international justice (1/4): DR Congo

    Over the summer, as part of the Crossroads project, ASF is bringing you the latest news about international justice. Our teams on the ground give you the lowdown. This week, Dominique Kamuandu, International Justice Programme Coordinator in DR Congo, gives us his impressions of the progress made and what is still to be accomplished.

  • International Justice Day: the future lies in the past

    International Justice Day: the future lies in the past

    Brussels – The Day of International Criminal Justice is known as the date of the establishment in 1998 of a permanent International Criminal Court to prosecute and try those responsible for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. But this day is first and foremost dedicated to those who chose not to ignore the past.…

  • Crimes of Bogoro: International Criminal Court’s first acquittal Upheld

    Crimes of Bogoro: International Criminal Court’s first acquittal Upheld

    ASF regrets the decision by the ICC today to reject the Prosecutor’s appeal in the Bogoro case. This ruling puts an end to proceedings against former warlord Ngudjolo Chui for crimes committed in the Congolese village. Besides the legal debate, this ruling leaves victims without any answers as to who was responsible for the crimes…