Category: Security and freedom

  • Policy Brief – Analysing Civic Space in East Africa through a judicial lens

    Policy Brief – Analysing Civic Space in East Africa through a judicial lens

    For the past years, civic space has been described as “shrinking” in many countries around the world. The adoption of restrictive laws, the harassment of journalists, the arrest and detention of human rights defenders, the suspension of activities or freezing of accounts of civil society organisations, are common tactics used by states to restrict civic…

  • Congolese civil society alarmed by the lifting of the moratorium on the death penalty

    Congolese civil society alarmed by the lifting of the moratorium on the death penalty

    Civil society actors and international human rights organisations working in the Democratic Republic of Congo are very concerned by the decision of the government of Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo to lift the moratorium on the execution of the death penalty, communicated by circular note No 002 of 13 March 2024. The signatory organisations deplore this…

  • No to the introduction of “malicious undermining of State authority” in the Belgian Penal Code

    No to the introduction of “malicious undermining of State authority” in the Belgian Penal Code

    ASF joins more than 500 signatories from associations, universities, the judiciary and civil society in warning of the danger of the introduction in the new Belgian criminal code of the offence of malicious attack on the authority of the State.

  • Ituri: Impact of the state of siege on criminal justice

    Ituri: Impact of the state of siege on criminal justice

    En mai 2021, l’État congolais a décrété un régime exceptionnel d’état de siège dans la province de l’Ituri pour tenter de mettre fin à plus de trois décennies de violence dans la région. L’ituri est le théâtre de guerres, d’insurrections et de violents conflits armés sur fond de crise de légitimité politique, de crise identitaire…

  • East Africa – Protecting civic space: A public interest litigation approach

    East Africa – Protecting civic space: A public interest litigation approach

    In 2022, ASF’s East Africa office launched a project covering three countries in the region: Burundi, Tanzania and Uganda. The objective of the project is to contribute to the advancement of the rule of law through the understanding and usage of regional human rights treaty bodies, mechanisms and instruments by local civil societies organisations.

  • ASF’s East Africa regional hub

    ASF’s East Africa regional hub

    In recent years, ASF has progressively adopted a regional approach to its activities in East Africa. To lead the organisation development in the region and enable the implementation of strong and coherent regional strategies, a regional hub was created in Kampala in 2021.

  • ExPEERience Talk #11 – Decriminalising poverty, status and activism: a global emergency, an international campaign

    ExPEERience Talk #11 – Decriminalising poverty, status and activism: a global emergency, an international campaign

    This 11th ExPEERience Talk will be devoted to the Campaign for the Decriminalisation of Poverty, Status and Activism. Several of its members will present its history and how it operates. They will discuss the challenges encountered and the opportunities presented by the networking of a multiplicity of actors to tackle a global and systemic issue…

  • The campaign to decriminalise poverty, activism and status

    The campaign to decriminalise poverty, activism and status

    The Campaign for the Decriminalisation of Poverty, Status and Activism, launched in Africa, South Asia, North America and the Caribbean, is led by a coalition of civil society organisations calling for the revision and repeal of laws that target people because of their status (social, political or economic) or their activism. In many countries, criminal…

  • ASF’s Euro-mediterranean regional hub

    ASF’s Euro-mediterranean regional hub

    In 2018, ASF launched a regional hub in the Euro-Mediterranean region, based in Tunis, with the aim of pooling resources and strengthening and harmonising its action in the region. The innovative aspect of the regional office is to fully assume the historical, economic, political and cultural links that exist between the two shores of the…

  • ASF’s annual report is available!

    ASF’s annual report is available!

    Avocats Sans Frontières is delighted to present its latest annual report. Our teams offer a seriers of articles about our field work on detention, transistional justice, business & human rights, communities of practice, our advocacy work, etc.