Country: Congo (the Democratic Republic of the)
No legal existence equals no rights for Congolese citizens
Lubero, DR Congo – Registration of births – and marriages – is vital for the establishment of citizens’ rights. This is the message that was shared by ASF and its partners with more than 6,000 people living in Lubero, North Kivu.
“The man who mends women”
On Thursday April 30th, a ‘Justice and impunity’ evening will take place in Brussels. The public will have the opportunity to watch the film ‘L’homme qui répare les femmes’ (‘the man who mends women’). This documentary by filmmaker Thierry Michel recounts the incessant fight of Doctor Mukwege against sexual violence which affects thousands of women…
Crimes of Bogoro: International Criminal Court’s first acquittal Upheld
ASF regrets the decision by the ICC today to reject the Prosecutor’s appeal in the Bogoro case. This ruling puts an end to proceedings against former warlord Ngudjolo Chui for crimes committed in the Congolese village. Besides the legal debate, this ruling leaves victims without any answers as to who was responsible for the crimes…
ASF welcomes the conviction of warlord Kizima Lenine
ASF welcomes the decision to condemn Kizima Lenine Sabin, war lord in the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), to life imprisonment for crimes against humanity. This decision demonstrates a real will on the part of the Congolese justice system to combat the impunity of war crimes and severe violations of human rights…
The conditions of detention in DR Congo violate prisoners’ rights
Overpopulation, poor hygiene, no healthcare, little food… the situation for detainees in DR Congo is very concerning. In order to combat the conditions of detention and their impact on prisoners’ human rights, ASF and RCN Justice & Démocratie jointly organised a round table on the “Right to justice: detention in DR Congo”.
DR Congo: conviction of Colonel “106” and risk of reprisals
ASF welcomes the decision by the South Kivu Military Court to convict Bedi Mobuli Engangela, known as “Colonel 106”, to life in prison for crimes against humanity. The former warlord is one of those responsible for the violence committed in South Kivu between 2005-2007 which affected over 1,000 civilian victims. However, ASF remains worried about…
Emergency in DR Congo: protect human rights defenders
Kinshasa, DR Congo – Supported by ASF, the Congolese civil society is reiterating the urgent need to continue efforts, in collaboration with national authorities, to strengthen the legislative frameworks for the protection of human rights defenders (HRDs). Created one year ago, the follow-up Committee of national strategies for the protection of HRDs recently presented its…