Country: Congo (the Democratic Republic of the)
Ituri: Impact of the state of siege on criminal justice
En mai 2021, l’État congolais a décrété un régime exceptionnel d’état de siège dans la province de l’Ituri pour tenter de mettre fin à plus de trois décennies de violence dans la région. L’ituri est le théâtre de guerres, d’insurrections et de violents conflits armés sur fond de crise de légitimité politique, de crise identitaire…
ExPEERience #13: Rendering justice without courts? Experiences of community justice in Ituri
At this ExPEErience Talk, Julien Moriceau and Janvier Digital Koko Kirusha from INANGA, and Johnny Lobho Lamula from ASF in the DRC, will present a study on community justice in Ituri, which will be published in the coming days.
Defending the defence: The lawyer faced with the peril of repression
Legal proceedings, harassment, intimidation, deprivation of liberty, and sometimes direct physical harm. Throughtout the world, lawyers working on behalf of human rights, civil society or vulnerable groups are threatened and attacked simply for doing their job. This is the reality that we and our partners have to face wherever we operate. Our teams report repeated…
Justice ExPEERience, the human rights network launched by ASF, celebrates its second anniversary
Two years ago, Avocats Sans Frontières launched Justice ExPEERience, a network for the promotion of human rights, as well as an online platform of the same name to support and energise this network. This anniversary is an opportunity for us to look back at the history and mandate of the Justice ExPEERience network and its…