Country: Congo (the Democratic Republic of the)
Development of regional approaches: The regional hubs
In order to develop an action that best promotes its mandate and is consistent with the specific needs of the national contexts it is involved in, ASF relies on solid analyses of the issues in the countries where it operates. Being anchored in the realities of the countries is essential in order to develop contextualised…
Perenco: The social and environmental impact of the French oil company’s activities abroad
Perenco has been in the news for several weeks. An environmental investigation carried out by EIF (Environmental Investigative Forum) with the support of the media Investigate Europe and Disclose has led to the publication of damning information on the French company’s activities in the Democratic Republic of Congo. And the NGOs Sherpa and Friends of…
Support Programme for the Reform of the Justice System (phase 2)
Funding: European Union Duration: 3 years (February 2022 > January 2025)
Promote the full and effective realisation of people’s rights in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Funding: Belgian development cooperation Duration: 5 years (January 2022 > December 2026)
Putting the interests of local populations at the heart of natural resource exploitation: Transparency, accountability and protection of rights
ASF has been active in the field of natural resource governance since 2018 in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Its activities in this area are mainly concentrated in 3 regions, in the provinces of Ituri and Haut Uélé around the mining sector and in the province of Central Kongo around the hydrocarbon extraction sector.…