Country: Israel

  • The Corrie Case Clears the Israeli State of All Responsibility

    The Corrie Case Clears the Israeli State of All Responsibility

    Avocats Sans Frontières regrets that the State of Israel’s responsibility has been cleared by the District Court of Haifa in the “Rachel Corrie” case. For ASF, who has been observing the trial since 2010, the inquiry was not conducted in a complete, credible or transparent manner.

  • ASF Housing Rights Report (May 2011)
  • Housing rights of Palestinians in East Jerusalem are not being respected

    Housing rights of Palestinians in East Jerusalem are not being respected

    Brussels, 7 June 2011 – The violation of housing rights of Palestinians in East Jerusalem by Israeli authorities affects directly the lives of Palestinian families and is a breach of international law, concludes a report commissioned by ASF. The report presented on 31 May 2011 in Brussels is the result of a fact-finding mission done…

  • « East Jerusalem is not Downtown Tel-Aviv »

    « East Jerusalem is not Downtown Tel-Aviv »

    Brussels, 6 June 2011 – Sami Erschied is Palestinian and Daniel Seidemann Israeli. Both are lawyers defending the rights of Palestinian families living in Sheikh Jarrah – an area in East Jerusalem – and forcibly evicted from their homes by the Israeli authorities. Present at the seminar organised by ASF in Brussels for the launch…