Country: Tunisia
The Justice ExPEERience network keeps growing: evolution and new features
Justice ExPEERience a fêté cet été ses 3 ans d’existence ! À cette occasion, l’équipe de coordination du réseau est fière de vous présenter le rapport annuel de Justice ExPEERience.
Joint Statement – Tunisia is Not a Place of Safety for People Rescued at Sea (French)
Also available in French
Joint Statement – Tunisia is Not a Place of Safety for People Rescued at Sea (English)
Also available in French
The Euro-Mediterranean region: an area of interdependence and shared struggles for human rights and the rule of law
En 2018, ASF a pris la décision de créer un hub régional dans la région Euro-Méditerranée, basé à Tunis, dans le but de mutualiser les moyens et de renforcer et harmoniser son action dans la région. L’aspect novateur du bureau régional est d’assumer pleinement les liens historiques, économiques, politiques et culturels qui existent entre les…
Tunisia: People in migration threatened by the rise of discriminatory rhetoric and policies
Because of its geographical position and proximity to the European coast, Tunisia has long been considered a major transit country for sub-Saharan migrants. However, heightened security measures and the militarization of the European Union’s borders, as well as border outsourcing policies, have meant that Tunisia has become a country of settlement for many people in…
What’s new with Justice ExPEERience?
Justice ExPEERience was launched in 2021 by Avocats Sans Frontières. Today, the network brings together over 800 members working in the fields of human rights defense, access to justice and the fight for social justice in some 50 countries.