Question-Subject: What is a judicial arrest?
What is a judicial arrest under belgian law?
– Liberty deprivation of an individual in order to research, pursue and repress the offence. It’s permitted only for offences and not for simple contraventions.
What is a judicial arrest under centrafrican law?
Liberty deprivation of an individual suspected to have committed an offence in order to bring the accused before a competent judicial authority
What is a judicial arrest under Ugandan law?
Act of apprehending a person in response to an alleged commission of an offence
What is a judicial arrest under congolese law?
Liberty deprivation of an individual suspected to have committed an offence in order to bring the accused before a competent judicial authority
What is a judicial arrest under burundian law?
Liberty deprivation of an individual suspected to have committed an offence in order to bring him or her before competent judicial authority
What is a judicial arrest under tunisian law?
Liberty deprivation of an individual suspected to have committed an offence in order to bring the accused before the court