Question-Subject: What is a warrant of arrest?
What is a warrant of arrest?
– A commitment order signed by an Investigating judge in the course of pre-trial investigation. – Practically it’s an order issued by a magistrate to any officer of public force to bring the suspect in detention.
What is a warrant of arrest?
Commitment order given by a Magistrate to any officer of public force to bring the suspect in detention
What is a warrant of arrest?
Le droit tchadien distingue plusieurs mandats susceptibles d’être délivrés par les autorités judiciaires: le mandat de comparution; le mandat d’amener; le mandat de dépôt; le mandat d’arrêt. Le Code de procédure pénale tchadien définit explicitement le mandat d’arrêt comme l’ « ordre donné à la force publique de rechercher un inculpé ou un prévenu et de le…
What is a warrant of arrest?
Order issued by a magistrate commanding to arrest the person named in it
What is a warrant of arrest?
A commitment order signed by a magistrate in the course of pre-trial investigation
What is a warrant of arrest?
Order given by an official of the State prosecutor’s office to place the individual in detention
What is a warrant of arrest?
Order made to any officer of the public force to effect the arrest of an individual and to bring this person before the issuing magistrate