Question-Subject: Where is the place of police custody?
Where is the place of police custody?
Police station
Where is the place of police custody?
In case of proximity, at the head office of Public Prosecutor, in case of distance, no information is given by the Criminal proceedings code. In practice, police station
Where is the place of police custody?
L’organisation pénitentiaire tchadienne comprend quatre types d’établissements: les maisons de haute sécurité; les maisons d’arrêt; les centres de rééducation; les camps pénaux. Le Code de procédure pénale tchadien prévoit que la personne gardée à vue est retenue à disposition de l’officier de police judiciaire pour les nécessités de l’enquête mais ne précise pas le lieux.…
Where is the place of police custody?
Location administered and controled by the Ministry of the Interior
Where is the place of police custody?
– Place of interrogation of an individual placed in custody – Police station – Secured location
Where is the place of police custody?
“Lock up” (separated from convicted prisoners)
Where is the place of police custody?
Place under surveillance of law enforcement officers