The pact for equality: Engaging members of the European Parliament on anti-racism and anti-discrimination

BelgiumEuro-Mediterranean regionMoroccoTunisiaDecolonisationEconomic, social and cultural rightsMigration

In Europe, racialised and migrant communities are most often completely absent from the decision and policy making process regarding the issues of migration and discrimination.

The pact for equality is a commitment between civil society organisations, trade unions, members of European parliament (MEPs) and those communities to engage in a regular formal dialogue process during the next five years and beyond.

The 2024 European Parliament elections represent a unique opportunity to reaffirm Europe’s commitment to its founding values and its anti-discrimination framework.

As a group of anti-racism, migration, and anti-discrimination advocates, all politically active in our communities, we mobilised our expertise to formulate the Pact for Equality’s principles and demands over two days of deliberation in Marseille, April 2024. 

This Pact is shaped by our personal experiences of exclusion and discrimination, as well as our strong links with local communities. 

Our mission statement:

“We have the privilege of speaking on behalf of ourselves and drawing attention to similar struggles faced by our communities. We want to use our skills, unique perspectives, and expertise to demand people in positions of power change the reality faced by migrants*, refugees and racialised people in Europe**, and contribute to ending all forms of discrimination.”

Anti-discrimination and equality

Migration and Asylum

Democracy and citizenship

The TACKLE project

The consortium behind the pact collaborates in the frame of the project ‘TACKLE: Promoting the emergence of young activism against discrimination and structural racism in Europe‘. It is made of 12 partners including university legal clinics and NGOs with an expertise on discrimination and human rights, with a focus on the rights of racialised people and people on the move.