Category: News

  • Lubanga trial: A missed opportunity for the victims

    Lubanga trial: A missed opportunity for the victims

    Brussels/The Hague, 11 July 2012 – On 10 July, the International Criminal Court (ICC) passed its first sentence, sentencing Thomas Lubanga Dyilo to 14 years’ imprisonment for war crimes.

  • Combating torture: Beware of “false victories”

    Brussels/Bukavu/Kathmandu, 26 June 2012 – On the occasion of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture on 26 June, Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF) reiterates the need to ensure torturers do not escape punishment.

  • The OLUCOME Trial: a verdict but no truth

    The OLUCOME Trial: a verdict but no truth

    Bujumbura/Brussels, June 7th, 2012- Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF) believes that the verdict announced 22May does not reflect the whole truth surrounding the murder of Ernest Manirumva, Vice President of the Burundian civil society group, Anti-corruption and Economic Malpractice Observatory (Observatoire de Lutte contre la Corruption et les Malversations Économiques [OLUCOME]).

  • ASF calls upon Flemish lawyers for support

    ASF calls upon Flemish lawyers for support

    Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF) actively participated in the 2012 Flemish Lawyer’s Day,which was held May 11th in Kortrijk. The event, which targeted lawyers in Flanders, was the perfect opportunity to better communicate the activities of ASF.

  • Tunisia: ASF supports recognition of Human Rights violations

    Tunisia: ASF supports recognition of Human Rights violations

    Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF) is starting its activities in support of justice in Tunisia, cradle of the “Arab Spring” of 2011. The NGO is helping eight Tunisian associations to archive and to categorize several thousand case files on human rights violations.

  • To the 500 legal professionals working alongside ASF:  thank you!

    To the 500 legal professionals working alongside ASF: thank you!

    The International Legal Network (ILN), the international network of lawyers created by ASF in 2010, is pleased to welcome its 500th member. The arrival of this new member demonstrates the solidarity of legal professionals in support of those assisted by ASF.

  • Lubanga trial: ASF welcomes the first judgment of the International Criminal Court

    Lubanga trial: ASF welcomes the first judgment of the International Criminal Court

    Brussels/The Hague, 14 March 2012 – Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF) welcomes today’s decision of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to declare Thomas Lubanga Dyilo guilty of war crimes.

  • “The Chebeya affair”: Justice on the big screen

    “The Chebeya affair”: Justice on the big screen

    Upon release of the documentary The Cheyeba affair. Duty of Justice today in Belgian theaters, Avocats Sans Frontières reemphasises the need for impartial justice in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

  • ASF uses innovative ways of reaching out to vulnerable groups in Nepal

    ASF uses innovative ways of reaching out to vulnerable groups in Nepal

    It is freezing cold this morning in Far Western Nepal. Gopi Parajuli (ASF) and Anita Neupane (Legal Aid and Consultancy Centre) try to find their way through the bus station. In a typically helpful and gentle manner, a passer-by asks them: “Are you looking for the lawyer’s bus? There it is!”

  • The Fight Against Impunity Continues in Guatemala

    The Fight Against Impunity Continues in Guatemala

    Avocats Sans Frontières is pleased with the prosecution of former Guatemalan ruler (1982-83), José Efraín Ríos Montt, an encouraging development in the fight against the impunity for international crimes.