Country: Central African Republic (the)
Supporting and strengthening networks of human rights defenders to make a lasting contribution to peacebuilding in the Central African Republic
Funding: Peace Building Fund (PBF) During: 24 months (February 2023 > February 2025)
Justice ExPEERience, the human rights network launched by ASF, celebrates its second anniversary
Two years ago, Avocats Sans Frontières launched Justice ExPEERience, a network for the promotion of human rights, as well as an online platform of the same name to support and energise this network. This anniversary is an opportunity for us to look back at the history and mandate of the Justice ExPEERience network and its…
The challenges of detention in the Central African Republic
Since 2015, ASF has paid particular attention to the issue of imprisonment in the Central African Republic (CAR). In partnership with the Bar Association, lawyers and civil society, ASF is raising awareness among detainees, monitoring detention conditions, offering legal services to detainees and lobbying to ensure that the justice reform (sectoral justice policy) initiated in…
Development of regional approaches: The regional hubs
In order to develop an action that best promotes its mandate and is consistent with the specific needs of the national contexts it is involved in, ASF relies on solid analyses of the issues in the countries where it operates. Being anchored in the realities of the countries is essential in order to develop contextualised…