Category: Legal aid

  • Chad: civil society is rallying together for better access to justice

    Chad: civil society is rallying together for better access to justice

    The population of Chad still faces numerous obstacles when trying to obtain access to justice. Given this situation, organisations of civil society are taking action: they are making citizens more aware of their rights, offering them free legal advice, judicial assistance or mediation services. ASF is supporting three of these organisations in their efforts to…

  • Nepalese women’s quest to claim rights

    Nepalese women’s quest to claim rights

    In Nepal, when a man abandons his wife and family it is common for the woman to be left in the lurch as destitutes. Women are systematically denied their rights under the law especially property rights, inheritance and alimony. ASF in partnership with local bar associations, plays a crucial role in not only empowering women’s…

  • For a more accessible justice system in eastern Congo

    For a more accessible justice system in eastern Congo

    The vulnerable population in the east of the DRC is benefiting from free legal advice thanks to a new partnership between the bar associations in the region and ASF. In practice, this means that more life is injected into the free legal aid services, helping to make the justice system more attainable for people seeking…

  • What’s the point of human rights if there is no access to remedy?

    What’s the point of human rights if there is no access to remedy?

    On the occasion of Human Rights Day on 10 December, ASF notes that rights are not effective if so many people in vulnerable situations cannot access remedy for human rights violations. This is especially the case in countries emerging from conflict or in transition.

  • Law Talk Aired Out

    Law Talk Aired Out

    Kathmandu – How does one ensure that people know their rights when a large part of the population is illiterate, poor and lives in remote rural areas? In Nepal, community radio is a perfect medium to raise legal awareness and disseminate information. ASF has been broadcasting radio jingles and talk shows on subjects such as…

  • Why is justice without borders?

    Why is justice without borders?

    Who better to respond to this question than ASF’s Heads of Mission and Regional Representatives, based in different countries worldwide. They have gathered for ten days of intensive briefing at ASF’s headquarters in Brussels and they share their views about the core of the organisation’s mandate: the defense of human rights.

  • Nepalese lawyers help counter human trafficking

    Nepalese lawyers help counter human trafficking

    Enhancing people’s access to justice is crucial in the fight against impunity for human trafficking in Nepal. Together with its partner NGO and the local district bar, ASF is organising mobile legal clinics as a way to counter this widespread phenomenon. Thanks to these mobile legal aid centres, communities are sensitised about their rights and…

  • A National Legal Aid Strategy in Burundi: A first in the Great Lakes Region

    A National Legal Aid Strategy in Burundi: A first in the Great Lakes Region

    Ensuring equal rights and guaranteeing access to justice for all citizens is a challenge, particularly in a country such as Burundi. Until recently, twenty organisations have been separately, without coordination…

  • ASF uses innovative ways of reaching out to vulnerable groups in Nepal

    ASF uses innovative ways of reaching out to vulnerable groups in Nepal

    It is freezing cold this morning in Far Western Nepal. Gopi Parajuli (ASF) and Anita Neupane (Legal Aid and Consultancy Centre) try to find their way through the bus station. In a typically helpful and gentle manner, a passer-by asks them: “Are you looking for the lawyer’s bus? There it is!”

  • Burundian lawyers honour ASF with award

    Burundian lawyers honour ASF with award

    The Bar, on the day of its 62nd anniversary, has awarded Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF) an “honorary diploma”. This distinction recognises the work that ASF has been carrying out for more than 10 years towards improving access to justice for those most vulnerable in Burundi.