Country: Tunesië
On what grounds and when is a pre-trial detention allowed?
– In the presence of a strong presumption of a guilt – In the case of a flagrant offence
What is a pre-trial detention under tunisian law?
Deprivation of liberty before judgement
On what grounds and when can someone be subject to a warrant of arrest?
– In the case of a flagrant offence – In the presence of serious circumstances: in order to prevent new offences from being committed, to guarantee the imposition and execution of a sentence
What is a warrant of arrest?
Order made to any officer of the public force to effect the arrest of an individual and to bring this person before the issuing magistrate
On what grounds and when can someone be arrested (administrative arrest)?
– Public security – National Defence – Public health – Public morality
Which authority is competent to make a judicial arrest?
“Judicial police officer”
On what grounds and when can someone be arrested (judicial arrest)?
After a judicial decision or in the case of a flagrant offence