Question-Subject: What is legal duration of police custody?
What is legal duration of police custody?
24 hours maximum
What is legal duration of police custody?
– 72 hours renewable once – The legal duration is flexible for children, 10 hours maximun
What is legal duration of police custody?
La durée de la rétention d’une personne en garde à vue ne peut en principe excéder quarante-huit heures, bien que certaines exceptions dérogent au droit commun (voir plus bas). A la fin de la durée légale, l’individu placé en garde à vue doit être remis en liberté ou conduit devant le parquet. Ce délai peut…
What is legal duration for police custody?
– Judicial police custody: 7 days which can be extended – Judicial custody: 36 hours maximum
What is legal duration of police custody?
– Crimes and offences: 48 extendable hours – Infractions: 24 hours
What is the legal duration of police custody?
48 hours maximum
What is legal duration of police custody?
48 hours maximum