Category: Others
ASF joins Bluesky and Mastodon
Like many organisations and personalities, ASF is concerned about recent developments on the main social networking platforms and is looking for more ethical alternatives so that it can continue to raise the profile of its positions and actions.
Development of regional approaches: The regional hubs
In order to develop an action that best promotes its mandate and is consistent with the specific needs of the national contexts it is involved in, ASF relies on solid analyses of the issues in the countries where it operates. Being anchored in the realities of the countries is essential in order to develop contextualised…
Pro bono lawyers contribute to sustainable development
ASF calls for the strengthening of pro bono practices, which can bring about positive and sustainable change among societies and justice systems. This message has been shared at the 5th Pro Bono Conference held in Bali last week, and will be further disseminated in other international events.
Access to justice and sustainable development: the missing link?
Promoting the rule of law at the national and international levels, and ensuring equal access to justice for all are part of the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations. The effectiveness of justice and the rule of law are central to the establishment of sustainable peace and development in post-conflict countries. But how…
ASF wins ING Solidarity Award
Avocats Sans Frontières was recently awarded a Solidarity Award by the bank ING. ASF’s aid project for refugees and asylum seekers in Burundi was one of 15 selected by the jury, from almost 650 entries.
« Music For Life », music for more justice
The law students of the University of Leuven and the Flemish Bar Association have organized different fundraising activities for the radio campaign ‘Music For Life’. Their goal: to support the activities of Lawyers Without Borders.
Saving up for more justice
Brussels – Ensuring justice means ensuring sustainability. That is the reason why Avocats Sans Frontières also reaches out to people who save up their money at banks committed to sustainable development, like Triodos Bank. Therefore, at the invitation of this bank, ASF took part at the annual Triodos Day, in Brussels, and took this opportunity…