ASF in Tunisia

Location: Tunis Date of establishment: 2012 Team: 30 collaborators Facebook Page: ASF in Tunisia


Almost three years after the 2011 revolution, Tunisia was emerging from a long period of transition, which led to the adoption of a new Constitution (in December 2014) and new institutions, the establishment of a democratically elected parliament and the election of a new President.

Tunisia had then embarked on a democratic transition led in particular by civil society after several decades under the autocratic regime of Ben Ali. Priorities at the time included:

  • Bringing legislation into line with international standards;
  • Improving the independence and impartiality of the judiciary;
  • Improving access to justice and state legal aid;
  • Reform of the Code of Criminal Procedure, including Article 13 guaranteeing the systematic presence of a lawyer in police custody;
  • Extending and respecting civil liberties;
  • Respect for the rights of the defence and a fair trial;
  • Implementation of the mechanisms put in place to deal with the past: enabling victims to be rehabilitated and providing justice for the State crimes committed during the dictatorship and the revolution (Truth and Dignity Commission and specialised chambers).

This transition, despite its many advances, struggled to fulfil all its promises, encountering a great deal of resistance. It was brought to a sudden halt on 25 July 2021, when President Kaïs Saied activated Article 80 of the Constitution. Based on a very broad reading of its provisions, the President established a state of emergency, starting to dismantle the institutions that had emerged from the 2011 revolution. Parliament and the constitutional bodies were dissolved. The President granted himself full powers by decree and unilaterally ratified a new Constitution, passed by referendum under deleterious conditions.

The new consitution grants more power and competences to the executive power to the detriment of the legislative and judicial powers, which have been considerably weakened. At the same time, civil society and the checks and balances have been under attack, through the use of the security apparatus and the repression of opponents, the press and trade unions. The hateful rhetoric of the regime has also contributed to fueling campaigns of racist violence against sub-Saharan Africans.

ASF’s intervention

It is in this difficult context of shrinking civic space and repeated attacks on fundamental rights and freedoms that Avocats Sans Frontières continues to work, with its partners, as close as possible to local populations to defend its mandate, promote access to justice and human rights, in particular by working with populations in a vulnerable situation (gender and sexual minorities, migrants, women, minors, detainees, etc.).




November 25, 2024

The Justice ExPEERience network keeps growing: evolution and new features

Justice ExPEERience celebrated its 3rd anniversary this summer! To mark the occasion, the network’s coordination team is proud to present the Justice ExPEERience annual report.

Capacity building | Communities of practice | Decolonisation | Human rights defenders | Justice ExPEERience | Belgium | Central African Republic (the) | Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) | East Africa | Euro-Mediterranean region | Kenya | Morocco | Niger (the) | Tanzania | Tunisia | Uganda

September 18, 2024

The Euro-Mediterranean region: an area of interdependence and shared struggles for human rights and the rule of law

En 2018, ASF a pris la décision de créer un hub régional dans la région Euro-Méditerranée, basé à Tunis, dans le but de mutualiser les moyens et de renforcer et harmoniser son action dans la région. L’aspect novateur du bureau régional est d’assumer pleinement les liens historiques, économiques, politiques et culturels qui existent entre les deux rives de la Méditerranée, et de les prendre en compte pour mettre en place une action au niveau régional qui soit cohérente et efficiente. Cet article est issu du rapport annuel 2023 d’ASF. Il revient sur l’histoire du bureau régional et sa stratégie d’intervention.

Civic Space | Decolonisation | Migration | Security and freedom | Belgium | Euro-Mediterranean region | Morocco | Tunisia

August 1, 2024

Tunisia: People in migration threatened by the rise of discriminatory rhetoric and policies

Because of its geographical position and proximity to the European coast, Tunisia has long been considered a major transit country for sub-Saharan migrants. However, heightened security measures and the militarization of the European Union’s borders, as well as border outsourcing policies, have meant that Tunisia has become a country of settlement for many people in a migration situation. The article, also available in our latest annual report, details the alarming situation in the country, as well as ASF’s intervention strategy.

Access to justice and development | Detention | Legal aid | Migration | Security and freedom | Victim’s rights | Women’s rights | Tunisia


March 27, 2025

تونس تسحب إمكانية اللجوء إلى المحكمة الأفريقية للأفراد والمنظمات غير الحكومية: انتكاسة خطيرة لجهود المساءلة فيقضايا حقوق الإنسان

Access to justice and development | Tunisia | Joint Statement

March 27, 2025

Tunisia’s Withdrawal of Individuals’ and NGOs’ Access to the African Court Marks a Serious Setback for Human Rights Accountability (English)

Access to justice and development | Tunisia | Joint Statement

January 30, 2025

Press release – Sihem Ben Sedrine’s detention period was extended despite deteriorating health (French)

Detention | Human rights defenders | Women’s rights | Tunisia | Press Release